The softspoken genius of Drew Struzan...
"The journey is everything," my friend David Byrd once told me, and those words certainly ring true when it comes to the journey in...
Click on the link above to access the complete news archive, from 2008 to the present. (This is the only page on the old version of the site that will remain updated.)
The softspoken genius of Drew Struzan...
New "INDYCAST" Podcast
SDCC Movie Poster Panel, Struzan, Shipper, and more goodness!
Warner Bros. Tribute Art Show
Cheryl Henson, THE DARK CRYSTAL, and fathers' legacies: Part 3.
Status updates / Movie poster momentum
CREATIVE BLOQ: Are movie posters in a design crisis?
CREATIVE BLOQ: Are movie posters in a design crisis?
HUFFPOST Article: Peak, Amsel, and Struzan
HUFFPOST Article: Peak, Amsel, and Struzan
HUFFPOST Article: Peak, Amsel, and Struzan
The Life and Legacy of Bob Peak
24x36: A Movie About Movie Posters
24x36: A Movie About Movie Posters