At long, long last, it's here: the documentary 24x36: A Movie About Movie Posters, Kevin Burke's loving valentine to movie art.

David Byrd and I interviewed for the film three years ago, but haven't been able to see it until now. The film has been making the rounds at film festivals for the past year, and it's finally available on DVD, BluRay, and digital download.
Kevin's documentary is primarily focused on how today's generation of artists have taken it upon themselves to resurrect illustrated movie posters, but the opening chapter offers a very concise overview of its history, and the key figures behind it. The work of Roger Kastel, John Alvin, Drew Struzan, and Richard Amsel are all mentioned...and David Byrd gives a great, quick synopsis of the origins of the poster, and the different printing types used since the early 19th century.
I'm in the film only briefly, discussing Amsel's work and career, but David clearly steals the show. Kevin had told me that after his initial cut, people recommended that he put more footage of David in. To watch the film you can certainly understand why. (Those who buy the film should also sit through the film's extras, as more of David is included in bonus content.)
I'm also happy to see that the film includes snippets of The Emerald City TV program from 1978, featuring David Byrd and Richard Amsel. I was the one who told Kevin about the show, and had directed him to The LGBT Community Center's National History Archives for its use.
Kevin's project was a labor of love, and one that he largely self financed. He did a bit of everything, including many of the film's fanciful animated motion graphics. His influence and inspiration towards my own documentary is immeasurable, and I owe him a big creative debt.