2018 RICHARD AMSEL TRIBUTE ART SHOW (Warner Bros. Studios, Burbank, CA)

December 2018 marked what would have been Richard Amsel's 71st birthday, and I desperately wanted to schedule a public art show along with a display of the quilt for the occasion. I reached out to a number of local art galleries, colleges and universities, city libraries, city halls, and LGBT resources, but in all cases, there just either wasn't enough time or suitable space to meet that particular timeframe.
A quick and easy solution was found at the last minute -- one that had been right under my nose all along. My friends and associates at Warner Bros. kindly made room for a display at one of their buildings in Burbank. They not only supported the idea, but covered the costs of promoting a small opening reception, with complimentary wine, cheese, and snacks. A video monitor was also installed, playing some of the Amsel motion graphics done for the film.
It was a relaxed, happy atmosphere -- one that was welcomed by everyone during a busy holiday season. That the venue was held on WB grounds also put my mind at ease; each of the Amsel originals I own are personal treasures to me, and here I didn't have to worry about anyone stealing or damaging my collection.
It was great mingling with people to discuss the artist's work, and the progress on the documentary. I was especially surprised how many people said that they had never heard of Amsel's name until now, even if everyone was already familiar with his work. (The comment "I thought Drew Struzan did that," was uttered by so many, it would have made for a jovial drinking game.)
I received so many compliments on the show that we extended it into January. Nevermind that I needed the extra time to make room for everything in my new place.
Heartfelt thanks to all my friends at Warner Bros. for their encouragement and support. I am particularly indebted to Kristy McCormac, Ron Dilley, and Susan Cheng for helping me make the show happen.