This documentary has been a longtime passion project, involving years of work and research. It also represents a significant monetary investment, as I’ve funded most of the production myself. (One of the major reasons why the documentary has taken me so long is because I need to work at “day jobs” to support it.)
Even when working on a razor-thin budget, anyone who has ever made a film independently can understand how “razor thin” is just a relative term. Personal projects can easily break personal bank accounts. You have to call in every possible favor from friends and family; you max out credit cards; withdraw from (or delay your investments in) retirement savings; put in overtime at your day job, etc., etc. You get the picture and the sob story.

We received some very generous donations these past few months, however, and they’ve significantly helped the project gain momentum again. For that, I am forever humbled and grateful.
After all these years, it’s strange to think that this project will finally take shape and see the light of day. It’s been a long journey, but a very rewarding one. All the people I’ve gotten to know…and the friends I’ve made… It’s inspiring.
In addition to filming interviews across the country, we’ve done extensive animation, as well as digital cleanup of hundreds of images, including many never before published.
I’d like to say we’re at last in the home stretch, but as far as we’ve come, there’s still a long road ahead of us.
The film is still in the editing stages, and I’m looking to film even more interviews. We'll need all the help and resources we can get. Further animation, post production editing, color correcting, sound editing and mixing, clearances – all of these add up over time. Your continued support can help make it happen.
I’m a filmmaker, but was never much of a showman. So when it comes to reaching out to the public about fundraising and donations, I’m admittedly pretty lousy. I’m usually too introverted and shy to “pitch” things, and hope that word-of-mouth would be enough.
I also didn’t want to exploit Richard Amsel’s name or work for my own gain. That’s why I ultimately wanted this project to have 501c3 fiscal sponsorship for non-profit status. Whereas venues like GoFundMe and Kickstarter generate money through “selling” something, those who donate to our project benefit by knowing that their contributions are fully tax-deductible, where applicable by law.
This project has fiscal sponsorship for non-profit 501c3 status, so donations are tax deductible where allowed by law. For more information, please go to There you can learn more about how to support the project, and stay informed of our updates. We’ll also have new and ongoing thank you promotions for 2023, including special rewards perks and raffles.
Richard Amsel was one of the last great illustrators of the 20th century. His life was cut short at a very young age. But your efforts and contributions will help us in preserving Amsel’s creative legacy…for both art and movie lovers around the world.