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Click on the link above to access the complete news archive, from 2008 to the present. (This is the only page on the old version of the site that will remain updated.)

May 8, 2019
Giving thanks...
Last December I wanted to share a little holiday gift with everyone who supported and contributed to the film by mailing them a set of...

May 7, 2019
The big picture...
I’m going to make a sincere attempt to post weekly updates from now on. There are so many interviews I’ve done that I’ve yet to mention,...

May 2, 2019
Warner Bros. Tribute Art Show
I know, I know... I have a lot of catching up to do. My 2018 ended with a purchase of a new home, while much of 2019 (thus far) was spent...

Feb 23, 2019
In memoriam: Stanley Donen & Tomi Ungerer
STANLEY DONEN (1924-2019) I was saddened this morning by the news of director Stanley Donen's death. Variety's obit marked him as "the...

Dec 2, 2018
Honoring Richard Amsel on World AIDS Day, with a panel for the AIDS Memorial Quilt. (Continued)
Continued from previous post. As World AIDS Day draws to a close here in California, I finally want to share with everyone the panel I...

Dec 1, 2018
Honoring Richard Amsel on World AIDS Day, with a panel for the AIDS Memorial Quilt.
Saturday, Dec. 1st is World AIDS Day -- an international day dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of...

Oct 28, 2018
Andrea Alvin discusses John Alvin, Richard Amsel, and the legacies of those gone far too soon...
It’s been over three years since I filmed my first interview for the documentary, and I realize that a day must soon come when it’s time...

Aug 19, 2018
Birthday thanks!
My heartfelt thanks to everyone who sent me birthday wishes! While I never enjoy getting older, I do enjoy celebrating with friends, and...

Jul 21, 2018
Respects to J.C. Leyendecker
One of my all-time favorite illustrators is the late, great J. C. Leyendecker. In an indirect way, his work played a significant factor...

Jul 18, 2018
Cheryl Henson, THE DARK CRYSTAL, and fathers' legacies: Part 3.
(Read PART 1 / PART 2.) It's June 28th, 2018. Finally, the interview is about to happen. Erik and I had arrived early, and set up the...

Jul 17, 2018
Cheryl Henson, THE DARK CRYSTAL, and fathers' legacies: Part 2.
(Read PART I here.) When Erik Sharkey and I first met with Cheryl Henson, our meeting didn’t quite go as planned. There was an...

Jul 9, 2018
Cheryl Henson, THE DARK CRYSTAL, and fathers' legacies: Part 1.
“Hey man, are you sure you’re gonna be up for this?” It is early October, 2017. Erik Sharkey poses the question to me over the phone the...

Jun 11, 2018
WATCHING SKIES: Amsel remembered
The latest INDY CAST Indiana Jones podcast (episode 266) features an interview with author Mark O'Connell about his book, WATCHING SKIES...

Jun 3, 2018
Amsel, animated redux
A major motivation for my embarking on this film came during my interview for Kevin Burke's documentary, 24x36: A Movie About Movie...

May 21, 2018
R.I.P.: Bill Gold, 1921-2018
I was saddened by the news of Bill Gold's passing. In a career spanning six decades, Bill Gold worked on some of the most famous movie...

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