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Birthday thanks!

My heartfelt thanks to everyone who sent me birthday wishes! While I never enjoy getting older, I do enjoy celebrating with friends, and reconnecting with people I'd lost touch with. It means a lot to me.

Last year my friends and I went to a horror-themed escape room at Crossroads Escape Games in Anaheim. We were nowhere near to solving the puzzles in time, but the experience was a blast. This year, we tried out a zombie-themed room at the new Escape Hotel in Hollywood...and managed to contain a zombie virus with nine minutes to spare. While most of us, myself included, were rather useless during the game, my friend Jason and his wife must be credited for saving civilization as we know it. Humanity salutes you!

Anyway... I also want to give heartfelt thanks to those of you who contributed to my Facebook birthday promotion for the documentary. I'm never good with these types of things, but every dollar counts, and is appreciated. It raised $291, which may not seem like a lot, but will help toward another trip back east to film further interviews later this year. (More info to come!)

You can still donate towards the project through our page at Fractured Atlas, and contributions are tax-deductible where permitted by law. We'll be doing a Kickstarter-style campaign in the future (once we have a trailer), but in the meantime, every little bit of support counts!

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Website designed and maintained by Adam McDaniel. All featured photographs, reproductions, and scans of Richard Amsel's artwork are presented here via Fair Use Laws, for the purposes of educational insight, historical analysis, and creative criticism, and are not intended to infringe on any copyrights; images came from either the public domain, my own personal research and scans, or were expressly provided to me for inclusion on this site. All original content, including writing and commentary, including the article "The Art & Artistry of Richard Amsel: American Illustrator" © 2008, 2020 by Adam McDaniel. All rights reserved, and registered with the Writers Guild of America. The documentary "AMSEL: ILLUSTRATOR OF THE LOST ART", the book "RICHARD AMSEL", and Amsel's work as featured in this website are through an exclusive agreement with the Richard Amsel estate.

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