Last December I wanted to share a little holiday gift with everyone who supported and contributed to the film by mailing them a set of AMSEL related postcards. While I'm pretty sure I covered everyone, I realize that I might have missed a few of you.
If you made a donation or interviewed for the film, and have yet to receive the set, my deepest apologies. I could throw out some lame excuse about juggling work, moving, and the holiday rush, but who am I kidding? Please contact me and I'll get the postcards out to you shortly.
Five postcards make up the set: four are double-sided (see the top two rows for comparison), while the fifth is a standalone image of the AIDS quilt panel, made in Richard Amsel's memory.

I still have a limited supply of these left, and they'll be sent as thank you gifts to anyone else who contributes $25 or more to our project through our Fractured Atlas donation page.
Fractured Atlas is a non-profit 501(c)(3) arts service organization legally registered as a charity to fundraise in all 50 states. Donations through this page are fully tax-deductible under the law.
To learn more about donating to the film, you can also check out our Donate/Contribute page.