"Thaddeus Thackeray" is official selection in the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival...
My animated feature script, IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF THADDEUS THACKERAY, is now an official selection in the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival. From...

"Thaddeus Thackeray" advances in Stage 32's NEW VOICES IN ANIMATION contest
My animated feature script, IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF THADDEUS THACKERAY, has advanced to the semifinals in the 2nd Annual New Voices in...

"Thaddeus Thackeray" makes Stage 32's NEW VOICES IN ANIMATION contest
My animated feature script, IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF THADDEUS THACKERAY, has just been announced as one of the quarter finalists in the 2nd...

"Thaddeus Thackeray" advances to ISA COMEDY semifinals
My script IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF THADDEUS THACKERAY is a semi-finalist in the ISA Comedy "Genre Busting" Screenplay Competition. So just...

UPDATE: "Thaddeus Thackeray" advances to STORYPROS finalists
StoryPros has just announced the finalists of their 14th annual screenwriting awards, and my script IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF THADDEUS...

UPDATE: "Thaddeus Thackeray" advances to STORYPROS semifinals
StoryPros has just announced the quarterfinalists of their 14th annual screenwriting awards, and my script IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF THADDEUS...

"Thaddeus Thackeray" award winner in the FRESH VOICES screenwriting contest
"In the Footsteps of Thaddeus Thackeray" is now (finally!) an award winner! In the 2020-2021 Fresh Voices Screenplay Competition, the...

"Thaddeus Thackeray" and "Improper Dosage" scripts advance in two contests
Some news I learned this morning regarding two of my scripts... Late last year, my screenplay "In the Footsteps of Thaddeus Thackeray"...

"Thaddeus Thackeray" finalist & Spotlight Award nominee, FRESH VOICES contest...
My screenplay "In the Footsteps of Thaddeus Thackeray" is now a finalist in the 2020-2021 Fresh Voices Screenplay Competition. It's...

"Thaddeus Thackeray" advances to FRESH VOICES semi-finals...
My screenplay "In the Footsteps of Thaddeus Thackeray" has advanced to the semifinals in the 2020-2021 Fresh Voices Screenplay...