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R.I.P.: Charlie White III

I'm saddened by the passing of illustrator CHARLIE WHITE III, who died earlier this month. I met him only on two occasions (both art exhibits featuring his work), and I'm sorry our discussions were so brief. He seemed very gracious and appreciative when discussing his work.

White was, among many things, a master of airbrush illustration. He worked in the art department of HEAVY METAL (1981), the animated feature anthology which has become a certified cult classic. Yet most movie fans will likely best recognize his collaboration with Drew Struzan on their "circus style" STAR WARS poster, which was used for the film's rerelease in 1978. It was wonderfully evokes a nostalgic sensibility, and the "poster within a poster" novelty -- done when the original design couldn't accommodate the necessary space for the billing block -- was an inspired touch.

White illustrated numerous album covers, and his collaboration on Ode Records' 1972 orchestra release of THE WHO'S TOMMY (with other noted illustrators such as Richard Amsel, David Byrd, Mark English, Robert Heindel, and Robert Grossman) won a Grammy Award.

White was also reportedly the inspiration behind the title character of Roman Coppola's film, A GLIMPSE INSIDE THE MIND OF CHARLES SWAN III.

It seems we're losing all the illustration giants as of late -- the pre-Photoshop, genius generation who didn't need computers to create art. I challenge any of today's pixel pushers to try to accomplish half the colorful wonders these guys created with things like pencils, paint, and paper.

My sincere sympathies to Mr. White's friends and family.


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Website designed and maintained by Adam McDaniel. All featured photographs, reproductions, and scans of Richard Amsel's artwork are presented here via Fair Use Laws, for the purposes of educational insight, historical analysis, and creative criticism, and are not intended to infringe on any copyrights; images came from either the public domain, my own personal research and scans, or were expressly provided to me for inclusion on this site. All original content, including writing and commentary, including the article "The Art & Artistry of Richard Amsel: American Illustrator" © 2008, 2020 by Adam McDaniel. All rights reserved, and registered with the Writers Guild of America. The documentary "AMSEL: ILLUSTRATOR OF THE LOST ART", the book "RICHARD AMSEL", and Amsel's work as featured in this website are through an exclusive agreement with the Richard Amsel estate.

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