After all these years, it’s strange to think that this project will finally take shape and see the light of day. It’s been a long journey, but a very rewarding one. All the people I’ve gotten to know…and the friends I’ve made… It’s inspiring.
I’m a filmmaker, but was never much of a showman. So when it comes to reaching out to the public about fundraising and donations, I’m admittedly pretty lousy. I’m usually too introverted and shy to “pitch” things, and hope that word-of-mouth would be enough.
I also didn’t want to exploit Richard Amsel’s name or work for my own gain. That’s why I ultimately wanted this project to have 501c3 fiscal sponsorship for non-profit status. Whereas venues like GoFundMe and Kickstarter generate money through “selling” something, those who donate to our project benefit by knowing that their contributions are fully tax-deductible, where applicable by law. This method also ensures complete transparency, as donations go exclusively towards the project's expenses, and everything is accountable.
But I also wanted to offer additional incentives – and it’s only fitting that a crowdfunding campaign should offer rewards “perks” as a means to thank people for their generosity.
Previous promotions were limited to every few months, and involved donation raffles for large prints. This was done so that even someone making a small donation could still have a chance to win. The downside to this, however, was that there was no guarantee of rewards for those making larger contributions...and it didn’t seem fair to leave a generous donor empty-handed.
For 2023, I want to try something a little different.

First, raffle promotions will now be on an ongoing monthly basis*, with different prizes offered each month. (*NOTE: Raffle promotions may need to be extended in order to meet the threshold of covering the costs and shipment of prizes.)
More importantly, every contribution of $225 or more will automatically be rewarded with a large print of the donor’s choice. This perk is our way of saying “Thank you!” for your donation.
Sizes of the large print will vary by art, but prints will be at least 20"x30". Also, if there's a particular image you're looking for, please inquire, as not all the images I have available are suitable for high quality reproduction. (Options include -- but not limited to – textless versions of RAIDERS, THE DARK CRYSTAL, FLASH GORDON, THE MUPPET MOVIE, THE STING, select TV GUIDE cover illustrations, and many, many others...)
Many of these art reprints were made directly from photographs or transparencies taken of Amsel's original artwork, and were professionally scanned and color-corrected. None of these reproductions are intended for commercial sale.
Those who donate at least $10 to our project through our Fractured Atlas donation page will be entered to win the current raffle. You can enter multiple times, with $10 for each entry.
Every $40 donation will automatically receive a series of postcards, as well as 4 entries for the current raffle.

Every $100 donation will automatically receive a series of postcards and 8x10" prints, as well as 12 entries for the current raffle.

The first raffle prize of the year will be an original one sheet (27x41”) of RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, from the film’s 1982 rerelease.

This is NOT a reprint, but an unrestored, folded poster with some light edge and fold wear, corner bends, slight fold separations, creases, and subtle ink in the left border.
Picture above is of the actual poster, purchased from Heritage Auctions back in 2021.
Entries must be received before midnight Pacific time on Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023.
Fractured Atlas is a non-profit 501(c)(3) arts service organization legally registered as a charity to fund raise in all 50 states. Donations through this page are fully tax-deductible under the law. (To learn more about donating to the film, you can also check out our Donate/Contribute page.)