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Giving thanks to all of you!

2022 was a pivotal year for us, and a number of you helped make that happen.

This message is obviously long overdue. I had intended to make this video before the holidays, but unfortunately I was ill and had to go to the hospital right before Xmas. I feel like I’ve been playing catch up ever since.

The montage you see includes a number of volunteers and employees behind the scenes, who are helping bring this documentary to life.

So allow me to finally say – to everyone who donated their time, their energies and effort –

To all those who agreed to interview for the film –

To everyone who donated to this project –

I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart.

This documentary has been a longtime passion project, involving years of work and research. In addition to filming interviews across the country, we’ve done extensive animation, as well as digital cleanup of hundreds of images, including many never before published.

I’d like to say we’re at last in the home stretch, but as far as we’ve come, there’s still a long road ahead of us.

The film is still in the editing stages, and I’m looking to film even more interviews. And we need all the help and resources we can get.

Further animation, editing, color correcting, sound editing and mixing, clearances – all of these add up over time. Your continued support can help make it happen.

This project has fiscal sponsorship for non-profit 501c3 status, so donations are tax deductible where allowed by law.

For more information, please go to There you can learn more about the project, and be informed of our updates.

We’ll also have new and ongoing thank you promotions for 2023, including special rewards perks and raffles each month.

Richard Amsel was one of the last great illustrators of the 20th century. His life was cut short at a very young age. But your efforts and contributions will help us in preserving Amsel’s creative legacy…for both art and movie lovers around the world.

Thank you.


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Website designed and maintained by Adam McDaniel. All featured photographs, reproductions, and scans of Richard Amsel's artwork are presented here via Fair Use Laws, for the purposes of educational insight, historical analysis, and creative criticism, and are not intended to infringe on any copyrights; images came from either the public domain, my own personal research and scans, or were expressly provided to me for inclusion on this site. All original content, including writing and commentary, including the article "The Art & Artistry of Richard Amsel: American Illustrator" © 2008, 2020 by Adam McDaniel. All rights reserved, and registered with the Writers Guild of America. The documentary "AMSEL: ILLUSTRATOR OF THE LOST ART", the book "RICHARD AMSEL", and Amsel's work as featured in this website are through an exclusive agreement with the Richard Amsel estate.

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