Admittedly, I've been putting so much time into the documentary that updates to this site have been lacking. I don't want to have to double up on posts between two websites, so I encourage you to check out www.richardamselmovie.com for updates and news pertaining to the film -- which also includes a lot of Amsel trivia. (For example, my recent interview with Spiros Angelikas sheds some light on the very first poster for RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK.)
For the time being, this site will focus more directly on news pertaining to Richard Amsel's artwork and creative output. When the film is done I intend to give this website a major overhaul, and better integrate the art galleries with the film's website. I also intend to update the biography and tribute pages, which have remained virtually untouched since the website's launch in early 2008. So much new information has come to light in recent years that I must let the documentary present the story. No doubt changes will be made to reflect corrections (and add new recollections) down the road. Rest assured, there is a lot to talk about...and I suspect it may cause some controversy.
One question I'm commonly asked concerns the collection of transparencies I acquired late last year: Why haven't I posted the high rez scans to the art galleries yet? The reason: People have already been using some of the images on this site to produce unlicensed merchandise on eBay, and if I made these large scans accessible to the public, no doubt people would take advantage and have a field day. This is an unfortunate detriment of our digital times, and is something that is beyond my control. These images will be saved for use in the film, and will have to be guarded in how they're presented.