After fits and starts, the momentum of the film seems to finally be rolling, and I'm happy... Happy that I can collaborate with people that I trust, and who have the project's best interests at heart. (It might seem comically ironic for me to write that when our MEET THE FILMMAKERS page has only two names listed! A lot more just has to be finalized. Rest assured, much deserved credit and thanks to many, many people will be given when the time comes. And we could always use more help!)
I finally completed a number of site updates that should have been done ages ago. Sorry for the delay -- I had to get some legal formalities done first.
There's our ABOUT THE FILM page, which gives an overview of the project, and has a little director's statement from moi.
There's THE INTERVIEWEES page, which lists some of the motley crew of characters who've dared to go on camera for me. Others have yet to be announced, so stay tuned. I can't give everything away.
In fact, many interviews are being arranged over the next few months; my July has every weekend booked with at least one interview each. I've also tried, when possible, to meet up with each person far in advance of filming them, to hear their stories, absorb their knowledge, and gauge which subjects they're willing to discuss on camera. It's not just a rehearsal for the film, but a way to break the ice, and explain my hopes and intentions for the project. far are we along? I keep telling people (and thinking to myself) that we're still in the early stages, with at least another year of filming, and an additional year for pickups, minor shoots, editing, animation, etc. But don't quote me on that. The project will be done when it's meant to be done.
Then again, I have over 25 hours of interview footage. So, yeah, there's a bit in the can.
​And, of course, there's our DONATE/CONTRIBUTE page. While a crowdfunding campaign through Indiegogo is still in the planning stages -- and we intend to publicize the hell out of it when the time comes -- those looking to support our project through a tax-deductible donation may contribute through our 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor, FRACTURED ATLAS. Every dollar helps!