Adventurer's Summit Charity Raffle
Some enterprising INDIANA JONES fans have created an annual event called "The Adventurer’s Summit". This year's is scheduled for...
The Rings of Power
So proud to have worked with the creative team at Deluxe Media on this monumental project. The hard work and dedication of everyone... least I'm still in my 40's.
DO I LOOK LIKE SHIT? No, please don’t answer. But it’s certainly a question I’ve been repeatedly asking myself as yet another birthday...
VANGELIS (1943-2022)
Evángelos Odysséas Papathanassíou, known professionally as Vangelis, left our world May 17th. I was crushed by the news. No other...
My horror TV pilot script, "Improper Dosage", aka THE BLEEDING SEASON, came in 3rd place in The 2nd Annual 2021 Screamwriting Festival...
R.I.P.: Douglas Trumbull (1942-2022)
DOUGLAS TRUMBULL has died. He was a filmmaker, innovator, artist, engineer, and visual effects legend -- yet even all those varied titles...
"Thaddeus Thackeray" quarterfinalist in ISA Family & Holiday + Genre Busting Screenplay Competition
My animated feature script, IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF THADDEUS THACKERAY, has made the initial quarter-finals in the International...
On "CODED" messages in illustration...
I just watched the documentary "CODED: THE HIDDEN LOVE OF J.C. LEYENDECKER" on Paramount+, which profiles the art of America's first...
My horror TV pilot script, "Improper Dosage", aka THE BLEEDING SEASON, has made the quarterfinals in this year's FINAL DRAFT BIG BREAK...
"Thaddeus Thackeray" is official selection in the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival...
My animated feature script, IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF THADDEUS THACKERAY, is now an official selection in the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival. From...