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"Spruce Up the Holidays" quarterfinalist at LA International Screenplay Awards

My short animated screenplay "Spruce Up the Holidays" has also made the quarterfinalist selections in the 2020 Los Angeles International Screenplay Awards.

I have to admit I'm a little frustrated by screenplay contests these days. While they're designed to promote writers and give them "exposure", I've gained little from them other than a slightly stroked ego, a few industry inquiries, screenwriting software, a magazine subscription, and a T-shirt.

In this case, I didn't even receive a notification that my script had made the quarterfinals; I only found out through an update on my COVERFLY page.

Again, the story for this script originated years ago, designed as an animated holiday TV special similar to RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER. A friend of mine at a VFX/animation company told me they were looking for ideas for a cartoon Christmas-themed project. I made a few pitches, and he and his company liked SPRUCE UP THE HOLIDAYS the most -- so I wrote the script in a little under 2 weeks, including multiple drafts based on the company's feedback. Unfortunately, their animation development plans were eventually scrapped, but I kept the idea in the back of my mind.

More on my screenplays can be found through this page on my website.



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