R.I.P.: Dallva Horn, 1973-2021
Gutted to learn of the death of my friend Dallva Horn, who passed away on April 29th.

I can't believe I didn't hear the news until today. He had moved to Hawaii some time ago, and we lost touch with each other.
I got to know him back in early 2012, when we were both working at Warner Bros. He took me to lunch one time at The Magic Castle -- an experience I'll never forget. He was eccentric, kind, flirtatious, warm, and funny. He adored his dogs, and loved all things Disney.
There was a certain wounded quality to Dallva, who had overcome a number of issues -- ill treatment by certain members of his family, past love affairs that turned destructive, and ongoing health issues. I don't know the full details of his death (someone commented that it was very sudden, and likely due to an embolism), so if anyone can share more information, please send me a private message.
Another painful realization: while I must have collected hundreds of photos of my pet cats over the years, the only photo I ever took of Dallva was a blurry image from our day together at the Magic Castle. Dallva had worked on an illuminated display for the local landmark, as well as some pyrotechnics, so he had his own exclusive "Trump card" for entry whenever he wanted. When we lunched there, he had the staff add my name to a little writeup they included on their daily menu.
Here are the pics I took, back in January 27, 2014:
Oh, Dallva. I'll miss you, pal.