"IMPROPER DOSAGE" semi-finalist, KILLER SHORTS screenplay competiton.
My short horror script, IMPROPER DOSAGE, has just been selected as a semi-finalist in the KILLER SHORTS Horror Screenplay Competition.

The version I submitted was when it was in an earlier form, designed as a 30 minute short. I recently expanded it into an hourlong TV pilot. I'm still fiddling with the script on an almost weekly basis, which is a lot of fun -- as well as brainstorming ideas of possible episodes to follow. My writing process usually entails a very quick first draft, followed by many weeks or rewrites...
Another important change is the title. While "IMPROPER DOSAGE" is perfectly suited for the pilot episode, I had to think of a potential name for the whole series:
More on my screenplays can be found through this page on my website, as well as my COVERFLY page.