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"IMPROPER DOSAGE" now available from

Well that was fast.

I wrote a short horror script over the weekend before Thanksgiving, titled IMPROPER DOSAGE. It was recently selected as a finalist in the Screenplay contest, and has just been published in paperback and ebook under their imprint on Amazon.

The idea for the script had been dancing inside my head for a few weeks, so putting it to paper was a relatively quick and fun process. I had not written anything new in quite some time, so it was nice to feel motivated…and find the rare energy and enthusiasm to stay up all night writing again.

What makes the story interesting to me, personally, is that the two lead characters were largely based on me and my fiancé. Spinning our fictional counterparts into a horror tale (involving paranoia and the occult, no less) proved to be a genuinely creepy experience for me, as it mixes true life conversations with some pretty scary stuff. And I dare not reveal here whether my character turns out to be good or evil by the story’s end. :)

I initially designed it as just a short film, but I’m flirting with the idea of expanding it into an hourlong TV pilot.

More on my screenplays can be found through this page on my website, as well as my COVERFLY page.


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