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Bittersweet milestones.

I meant to post this last Friday the 21st.

2021 marks a number of milestone anniversaries in my life. For example, May 20th was the 25th anniversary of my graduating from Vassar College. This October will also mark my 25th year in California; I’ve now lived here for over half my life, and am still struggling to make some dreams come true.

May 21st is a tough one, though. It’s the 15th anniversary of my mother’s death.

So much has happened in the years since, but her loss left me in emotional pieces. I suppose I’ll never be able to put myself fully back together…but then again, perhaps that’s the way it should be. To quote a rather eloquent line from a recent work of fiction, “But what is grief, if not love persevering?”

I have to give thanks to those friends who supported me through that impossible time.

I miss you, Eileen. Give Finola a kiss for me. How I wish you could see the new family I have now. I think it'd make you very happy...


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