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Giving thanks...

I celebrated my birthday this past month, and continued the tradition of doing an escape room with a group of friends. This time it was the "Slaughter Room" within Hollywood's Escape Hotel. Alas, we did not survive, but had fun before being buzzed into pieces by the unseen chainsaws. It was like the finale of the 1980 horror gorefest MOTEL HELL.

With the passing of each year, I am more and more grateful for the friends in my life. They've helped me through so much, while keeping my life fun, and keeping me honest.

The last twelve months flew by in an instant, it seems, though a lot of changes happened. I'm finally dealing with some of the "grown up" issues that many of my childhood friends already faced back in their late 20's -- an upcoming marriage, home ownership, a mortgage, etc...

Now that I've reached an age where I clearly have more days behind me than ahead, it's strange how life ambitions are brewing again in my mind. Be they symptoms of a mid-life crisis, or the hard-hitting realization that, with both my parents now gone, I have to stand up (and step up) on my own two feet, I know clearly have a lot of work ahead of me. I faced a creative and physical burnout these past few months, but it's time to move onward and upward.

Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes!

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