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Spielberg tribute show at POPZILLA Gallery Anaheim

I'll be participating in POPzilla's upcoming Spielberg-themed art show at Pop Comics next month, where a limited number of prints of my RAIDERS artwork will be available.

I tentatively plan to be there for the opening night reception and artists' signing on May 12th...

Hold on to your butts, because this is what POPzilla calls archaeology. Dozens of our favorite artists go digging into the Well of Souls that is Spielbergdom, bringing new life to countless icons of his films for all the world to see! Join us for opening night on Saturday, May 12th, launching in conjunction with Downtown Anaheim's Art Crawl Experience (A.C.E.)! We're gonna need a bigger boat!

Here are some promo images by the POPzilla folks, that they used on their official Facebook page:

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Website designed and maintained by Adam McDaniel. All original writing, illustration, and artwork featured within this website (unless otherwise noted) copyright © 2020 by Adam McDaniel. All rights reserved. Images (in whole or part) may not be downloaded, copied, linked to, or edited in any manner or form for use on any website, image gallery, clipart collection, printed product, or other derivative uses without express written permission from the artist, unless it is for the purpose of critical reviews or commentary.

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