Holiday spirits, cherished friends, and a lot of beef wellington!

This was my first Xmas without both my parents, and I really didn't know if I would be reduced to a blubbering, emotional mess over the holiday.
Fortunately, all went well. I was in good spirits, felt relatively relaxed (at least by my standards, after a frenzied two days of cooking, decorating, and cleaning), and found much solace in the company of dear friends. They've helped me through so much this past year, and I'm so very grateful.
My mother always worked her ass of over the holidays, and I wish I had appreciated her efforts -- and sacrifices -- more when I was young. These past few years I've tried to maintain some of the traditions she established, including preparing her delicious BEEF WELLINGTON recipe for Christmas dinner. It's my little way of honoring her memory by cooking for friends and loved ones.
And so, for those brave and hungry enough to dare try it on their own, here is the recipe to download:
BEEF WELLINGTON RECIPE (Adam’s admittedly less complex, cheaper version of Eileen McDaniel’s recipe)