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Art featured in PARIS GAMES WEEK!

So honored to have my DRAGON'S LAIR artwork featured in ARTtitude's gallery show during the Paris Games Week, which opened Monday!

For the second consecutive year ARTtitude takes the editorial direction of the Art Gallery of Paris Games Week. Under the direction of Frédéric Claquin, the gallery will present 40 unpublished alternative posters, produced by international artists. Various animations will also be proposed during the 5 days including: realizations of live paintings, live painting on the outside walls of the stand and other surprises to be discovered on site. ...

Independent publishing house "made in France", collective and agency, ARTtitude has become since 2011 the pop culture ecosystem of reference on contemporary graphic arts. ARTtitude already collaborated with more than 300 international artists, such as tattooing, street art, drawing, painting, illustration. The works of the collection are published in France and in the United States with a diffusion throughout the world.

ARTtitude is a partner of SELL since the 2016 edition of Paris Games Week and collaborates throughout the year with numerous video game publishers throughout Europe.

Very special thanks to Frederic Claquin for his support. Here is a video of his interview with BIDTWEEN covering the event. (I've forgotten most of my French, but I think I got the gist!)

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Website designed and maintained by Adam McDaniel. All original writing, illustration, and artwork featured within this website (unless otherwise noted) copyright © 2020 by Adam McDaniel. All rights reserved. Images (in whole or part) may not be downloaded, copied, linked to, or edited in any manner or form for use on any website, image gallery, clipart collection, printed product, or other derivative uses without express written permission from the artist, unless it is for the purpose of critical reviews or commentary.

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