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...and opening the book on 2017!

Last year gave me good cause to be upset now and then, but I must rise above it and *be* the positivism I've been longing to find. There's much to be thankful for, and it's best that I focus on that, rather than let past troubles consume me with cynicism, or make me, out of my own fear and distrust, close doors to would-be friendships with many worthy people.

Right before Christmas, I took someone I love to a screening of IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE in Hollywood. I'd never seen the film on the big screen before -- and that, along with the companionship, made the movie resonate with me even more emotionally.I sincerely wish you all a very joyous and happy 2017. I also wish you true, honest, and loving friends.You don't need only need true.

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